Hiring an Elite DJ

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What you should know before hiring a DJ

Elite DJ Pros – Hiring Tips
So you’re looking for a DJ for a special event!

Do you know where to start? Do you know what to look for? Do you know how to make sure you find a DJ that is going to represent you professionally in front of all of your guests?  We have put together some very important tips and suggestions to help you make the best decision for your event entertainment.

1. Your entertainment provider must be a real professional and not just a number from Craigslist!

Al Elite DJ Pros service providers take their business seriously, having a registered business name and insurance. Always ask for a copy of that documentation for verification to protect yourself.

2. Communicate with your Elite DJ Pro about your event and make sure they are on the same page with you as to how you would like the atmosphere, music selection and any other important aspect of the event.

3. Along with DJ services many Elite DJ Pros can also offer party games, mixer events, trivia, music count-downs, raffles, prize give-aways and more at your event. Let your Elite DJ Pro know if you would like to learn more about these additional services or have them at your evnet.  Make sure they are very comfortable running these types of extra service and ask them to give some examples of how they might handle parts of the event.  You want to be comfortable with their approach.

4. Explain to your Elite DJ Pro your idea of “fun” so they have a better understanding of your expectations . Ask for some ideas of how they plan to to help make the event fun for your guests. Make sure you like their ideas

5. Most Elite DJ Pros carry clean radio edits, you probably do not want profanity in front of your guests!  Make sure to ask if this is a concern for your event.

6. Your Elite DJ Pro should be able to provide references and don’t hesitate to verify them! If they are not easily available on their site, ask for them!  Also ask how many music request will be taken before / during your event and how they will be managed?

7. All Elite DJ Pros will provide you with a well spelled out written contract that covers all concerns for all parties!  If you are not provided with one, be sure to request one so that you understand their expectations and can establish yours.  

8. Be sure to always ask your questions up front.  It is important to know everyone is in agreement so you can relax and truly enjoy your event.   Keep in mind, the best DJ’s book early so don’t delay in hiring an Elite DJ Pro when you have found the perfect one for oyur event!